Criticism, Movies

Why I Love Reading Reviews of Bad Movies

It has a lot to do with passages like this one, taken from the Village Voice’s Allen Scherstuhl’s review of Altas Shrugged III: Your Rail, My Steel.

One of the workers, the sexy un-impoverished-looking one, catches her eye. It’s John Galt (Kristoffer Polaha), the Harlequin Romance hunk who runs that VIP colony in the Rockies and has also invented a magic energy source that he won’t share with the world because he hates minimum-wage laws. He’s flirted with Dagny before, back in the log-homes and farmers’ markets of his free-market paradise, but only now do they admit their attraction. They sneak off together, bodies a-throb with the excitement of transportation-system management, and the movie is briefly wonderful. After some 30 seconds of close-ups of backs and bras and lips, Atlas Shrugs IIIcuts from the coupling to the funniest thing that it possibly could: one of those lantern-bearing signalmen actually guiding a train into a tunnel.


I need to talk to Casey about Riffing this sucker.