Fiction, Movies, The Larger World, Writing

Notes On “The Curious Legend of the Grade Z Ghost”

The idea for this story began with an image taken from an item from the 1980s era TV show “That’s Incredible”. Unusually for shows of this kind, this segment actually set about debunking a paranormal tale, in this case, the story of The Amityville Horror. The specific image I’m referring to is that of a woman in front of the Amityville Yacht Club, writhing and moaning from the demonic vibrations coming from within. When a cop told her she was in front of the Yacht Club, not the infamous Amityville House, she just stopped writhing, said “oh” and walked away.

Of course, among my characters, Howard Zez would be the sucker for a ghost story. He’s prepared to believe anything provided it isn’t true, which gives his film crew the perfect opportunity to get back at him for his tantrums. And thus, an urban legend was born.