
So Over It Contest #16: Walking Shoes Edition

We have a winner from So Over It #15! Congratulations to Dong Seo–a former student of mine–for the following answer, sent via email:

I’ve been trying to respond to your contest all morning but couldn’t login with WordPress, so hopefully this email reaches you.
Now, the Street Corner Edition Challenge:
The street corner joins Sixth Street and Constitution Avenue NW, adjacent to the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station where President Garfield was shot and injured, leading to his death.
He didn’t say that the location was Washington D.C., but there’s enough detail to award Dong the victory and the books. Nicely done.
Now for the next contest. There are lots of things I could say about this location, but I’ll limit it to this, it’s one of my favorite places in the world for a stroll. Be the first to name the location, and signed copies of Blood Promises and Dismantle the Sun are yours.
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P.S. Readers o’mine, do let me know if there’s some kind of issue with the comments section. Try to comment, and if you can’t, pop over to the Facebook page and tell me. Thanks.