Just a quick update on the projects I’m working on here at Snowden Labs. 1. MMIP Riffs, a movie riffing project for theinternetplayhouse. Our first
I’m still working on this. I currently give .02% of a shit, which means I’d have to carry 5,000 shits around with me in order
Anyone who’s caught Deepak Chopra on a chat show has heard the New Age rap, a stew of religious patter and scientific sounding buzzwords. Spoken with style, the
Being a blogger quickly teaches you how poor a weapon blogging is for killing off zombie ideas. Still, try we must. A little bit ago, I
Over at Slate, Tyler Lopez ponders the question of how the LGBT community should handle his death: Some have suggested picketing Phelps’ funeral, much as his
What is McConnelling? I’ll let Jon Stewart expound upon its storied origins. http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:cms:video:thedailyshow.com:433735 The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on
Dear Ben Carson, When I get mad, I tell myself I shouldn’t post on the blog. I should take a walk, hum a little
Among the Italian Supreme Court’s reasons for overturning Amanda Knox’s acquittal was their belief that her statement to the police, in which she placed herself
Kathryn Schulz’s Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error, which I’ll probably praise to the skies once I’m through with it, pointed me to a
I’ve been going on a bit lately about the Knox case and the mistakes that led to her and her former boyfriend’s becoming unwilling cast