May was a light movie month for me, but I still saw some worthwhile stuff, in addition to revisiting an apocalyptic piece of crap I
The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett My rating: 5 of 5 stars Dorothy Parker once said that “there is entirely too little screaming about the
Just a quick update on the projects I’m working on here at Snowden Labs. 1. MMIP Riffs, a movie riffing project for theinternetplayhouse. Our first
For the record, I hate only one other author. He knows why.
I’m still working on this. I currently give .02% of a shit, which means I’d have to carry 5,000 shits around with me in order
A fascinating article on the Reichstag Fire by historian Richard J Evans appears in the London Review of Books. An excerpt: The Third Reich was
Here’s what I viddied on a screen in April 2014. Gravity: A spectacular real-time (or close enough) story of survival. I admired Sandra Bullock’s performance
Six days from now we’ll have reached the 44th anniversary of the Mossad’s capture of SS Lt. Colonel Adolf Eichmann, who’d been hiding in Argentina
Anyone who’s caught Deepak Chopra on a chat show has heard the New Age rap, a stew of religious patter and scientific sounding buzzwords. Spoken with style, the
Many of the early reviews of Errol Morris’s The Unknown Known (which I saw just a little while ago thanks to iTunes) compared it to Morris’s The