The Larger World

Anybody Out There Know Anything About Riesling-Based Cocktails?

Why do I ask? Because I’ve been called upon to do a guest post as part of my book blog tour, and the request is that I write about a cocktail recipe that my protagonist, Kriminalkommissar Rolf Wundt, would appreciate. I know a little about German cocktails, mostly Gluhwein and Beer-based stuff. But Gluhwein is a warm cocktail, inappropriate for a summer tipple, and Rolf is less a beer drinker than a wine drinker. Specifically, he’s a riesling snob. But in Summer of Long Knives Rolf always drinks riesling straight, so I never bothered to research a cocktail for him.

What I need is a riesling-based cocktail recipe. Please, reading several, send me what you have by September 1st. If I decide to use your recipe in the post, I’ll be sure to credit you properly as its source.

NOTE: Rieslings come in many varieties, from dry to sweet, eisweins, late harvest and so on. Please specify type in your recipe.