Rejection. All I have to do is write the word and everyone looks at their shoes and says “Yeah.” And don’t believe anyone who says
Broadcasts of NFC games haven’t been the same without him. He had a gift for making any name he pronounced sound like the most awesome
Noodling around on the internet (which takes up a huge amount of my time) yielded this quote from Elvis Costello that I agree with only
“Sweet Jane” by Lou Reed. I dunno. Something about my rant on Todd Solondz made me think of the lyric “And there’s even some evil
Dreadful events in Boston today. It’s always hard to know exactly what to say when a person or group of people decide to express themselves
No winner for last week’s contest (sigh). The correct answer was the University Bridge connecting the University District to Eastlake in Seattle. It was dedicated
The Onion AV Club started a conversation that got me thinking about the pop culture that I deliberately avoid, that I want to know as
Zadie Smith wrote hers. These are mine. 1. Be born in a country with a reasonably well-run public education system, or, failing that, be born
Kelsye Nelson held this talk on Google a few hours ago. It’s aimed primarily at authors like me (I saw it because I’m an author
–Research the origin of the expression “Bull dyke”. (It’s actually a fascinating story.) –Discriminate between the terms “in stir” and “in the stir”. –Research why,