
So Over it Contest #20: Two. Two Is Good. Edition

No winners for So Over It #19. The answer is 3632 Skyline Dr., Jackson, Mississippi. The location is historic because it was here on June 12th, 1963 that Medgar Evers, field secretary for the NAACP in Mississippi, was gunned down by white supremacist Byron De La Beckwith. This was not the first murder attempt against Evers. Molotov Cocktails had been thrown at his house, and someone tried to run him down in the street outside the NAACP office in Jackson. Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Beckwith remained free for thirty years after the Evers killing, until a new trial finally succeeded in putting Evers’s murderer away.

On to the next thing. The location pictured below played a small role in one of the most famous credit sequences in movie history. Name it before anyone else does, and you’ll get free Kindle editions of Dismantle the Sun and Blood Promises.

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