Rebecca Makkai over at the Ploughshares blog surveyed writers about questions they’re always asked with a view towards suggesting more compelling alternatives, and it’s true
Nichole Bernier’s blog post on locations and their impact on fiction got me thinking about the settings in my own work and why I picked
Apparently, Talking Points Memo is kicking around the idea of doing book reviews, and Josh Marshall, TPM’s lord asked the following ask on Twitter mere
Alexander Nazaryan’s review of Jim Crace’s Harvest raised the question of when an author should hang it up. Crace’s answer appears to be that authors should
I’m still picking at parts of Summer of Long Knives. Some of it feels necessary, but a good deal of it is neurosis. It’s usually at this
–I’m afraid none of my habits conform to those of the famous writers in this article in the Atlantic. My habits bear a closer resemblance to
Watch this space carefully over the next few days, for it is here that I might reveal something about something that may nor may not
My little company did this. There’ll be Kindle, Nook, and Audiobook versions in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open. In the meantime, buy
–I’m neutral to the (deleted) scene of Castle Dracula’s collapse at the end of Dracula. The book ends acceptably enough as it stands. (The reason Stoker gave
Been away doing literary editor stuff. (To MMIP fans–all two of them–soon my pets, soon.) Now that I’m back, let’s get into what I’ve been