Books, Movies, The Larger World, Writing

Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering?

I’m still picking at parts of Summer of Long Knives. Some of it feels necessary, but a good deal of it is neurosis. It’s usually at this point that I become convinced that the manuscript has to leave the house and start earning its way in the world.

–Shorter State of the Union “There’s a lot that could be done, and should be done, and many things that will soon reach a crisis point where something has to be done. Too bad Congress insists on sucking at everything.”

–As for the response from Rubio, there’s nothing like being filmed by a fixed camera, backed by a desk, a chair, and an American flag, and reciting right wing talking points. Wait, sure there is:

If only Rubio were that entertaining.

–The New York Times profiles Goodreads, my favorite of the book readers’ social networking sites. I’m glad it’s doing so well, and I hope no one ever manages to ruin it, because I’d hate to lose respect for any website that allows people to say nice things about my work.

–I’ve been making my way through Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland. It’s painful to think that, nearly eighteen year’s after his death, we’re still hearing the echoes of that awful man’s political career. For worse, he shaped his time, and ours. The book is fantastic, by the way.

–Equally fantastic is Run Lola Run, which I finally saw this weekend.
